April 24, 2020

Stabilize Your Business Foundation in the Downturn

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Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or have recently launched an idea, the implications of COVID-19 are forcing business owners to focus on the basics. Learn how to fundamentally structure your processes in order to gain a greater understanding of how to make critical business decisions during the downturn.

Hear from Kim Grotto of Grotto Marketing, Lauren Barron from Fiercely You, Inc., Kim and Art Angel from E2A Partners.

They discuss how to create a stable business foundation by utilizing a combination of strategy, financial best practices, customer personas, pricing, key data collection and marketing strategy.

Stay tuned for more video highlights from this webinar!

Focus on What You Control

Kim Grotto of Grotto Marketing

  • Do not make decisions out of fear, shift your focus to what you can control
  • Having a responsive versus reactive mindset allows for wiser decision making
  • Be mindful of where you invest your time and energy

  • Let Financials Work For You

    Lauren Barron from Fiercely You, Inc.

  • Financial analysis encourages strategic operational planning and decision making
  • Establish a system that encourages financial best practices and recording
  • Let your finances work for you by taking advantage of information they provide
  • Your strategic plans and your financial expectations go hand-in-hand

  • Customer Success vs Business Development

    ID Managing Director Travis Linderman and E2A Partners Kim Angel

  • Ensure that your customers are utilizing your services optimally
  • Direct your focus to current customers which will lead to long-term loyalty and retention
  • Don’t neglect those who already trust you and your product

  • Trending Numbers and What to Do

    Lauren Barron from Fiercely You, Inc.

  • Take a closer look at an income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow comparison with Lauren Barron
  • Ask yourself three important questions: Why are my numbers trending the way they are? How did it happen? What am I going to do about it?
  • Utilize these resources to gain a better view of the trends in your business

  • Intimate Knowledge of Your Customer Profile

    Lauren Barron from Fiercely You, Inc.

  • When determining pricing, analyze who you are serving and what their needs are
  • Pricing decisions are influenced by many internal and external factors
  • Cost of goods sold and cost of services may require obtaining various quotes

  • Building Your Strengths & Consistency

    Kim and Art Angel from E2A Partners.

  • Recognize what you are good at and what is working for your business
  • This is not a time to start from scratch, learn to pivot by identifying adjacent services/products
  • Do not assume customers behaviors based on past experiences
  • Realize who you are to the core and how viewers see you

  • Read Full Article

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