July 2, 2020

Reopening Guidelines

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This is a living document that will be updated as guidance evolves. Please check back often to ensure you are working with the most up-to-date information. We are all working through the ever-fluctuating news and regular changes to the COVID-19 State guidelines.

The ID Community should note that Innovation DuPage continues to deliver many services virtually over Zoom and Slack.


The health and safety of the ID Community as a whole is our top priority. We will foster a culture of safety.
We will follow science and the guidance of experts. We will not lead on this, but lag in moving from phase to phase as we learn from others.
We will err on the side of more restrictive measures at the outset and relax them as we can. Returning to the office space is a privilege and carries responsibilities each of us has to one another.


The safety of the ID Members, ID Team and the public who visit our facility remains our top priority. As such, members and visitors who must conduct business in person will notice changes when entering the facility in following the Illinois Department of Health guidance for reopening public spaces:

Face coverings will be required for all visitors to Village of Glen Ellyn facilities.
Social distancing measures will be in place requiring at least 6 feet of distance between all members, visitors and staff.
All visitors must enter only through the north entrance of the Glen Ellyn Civic Center (on Duane Street) using the center door. Remaining doors can only be used as emergency exits.
The ID slash card will not work on any other doors in the GE Civic Center.
There are partitions at the public-facing department counters in the Civic Center to protect visitors and staff, and hand sanitizer will be available for use.
IDHQ’s front door at the top of our stairs will remain closed all day from 8am – 4pm. Members will need to utilize their re-activated slash cards in order to enter the facility.
Innovation DuPage’s hours will match the Glen Ellyn Civic Center hours 8am – 4pm. We will have an additional 30 minutes to exit the building before the doors are locked.
There are plastic partitions between working spaces (at least 6-feet apart) throughout IDHQ and the flow of traffic is directed per signage.
Seating is assigned by individual company and cannot be used on a first-come first-served basis.
Conference room usage needs to be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance directly with staff.
To help maintain the limited capacity restrictions, it is likely that between 1 – 4 ID team members will work in the shared space at any given time on a semi-regular basis, with the rest continuing to work remotely. The Director of Operations will be present on a regular basis.

Travis Linderman (Managing Director) will maintain 1-on-1 Zoom consultations from 10am – 3pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and most Fridays. You can schedule them here.

Beginning July 15th, Travis will be at IDHQ each Wednesday to meet with Members individually and tour new startups.


Business Hours During Phase 4, revised business hours of Monday-Friday from 8am-4pm will be in effect to promote the safety of our on-site team, and to correlate with the hours that the Glen Ellyn Civic Center is open to the public. IDHQ will not be open on Saturdays and Sundays. There are no evening hours. We will be monitoring the visiting patterns of our community and adjust as needed to promote a safe environment for everyone.


All members must enter only through the north entrance of the Civic Center (on Duane Street), using the center door. We will be encouraging one-way traffic as much as possible to reduce the chance of congestion. Please follow signage in the office. Slash card access will continue to be turned off to the doors outside – but will work on the door to enter IDHQ. Social distancing measures will be in place.

Each ID Team Member will be houses in a closed-door office. It is your responsibility to check in with one of them when you arrive – so that your temperature can be taken. A blue line has been set up – to ensure that a 6 foot distance from the office doors are maintained until both you and the ID Team Member can ensure that the temperature protocol does not signal a problem and that masks are secured properly. Conversations with ID Team Members will require that ID Members stay behind this blue line, unless agreed upon separately.

Movement throughout the space will be dictated by one-way directional signage. Please follow the signs to prevent congestion or pinch points where physical distancing could be compromised. Blue tape has been placed throughout the space to help build guardrails for social distancing and protect any member that is sitting down from all directions.

All interior doors, including conference rooms, will be propped open to limit touch points and improve air circulation. Unless absolutely necessary, please do not close these doors. If you must close the door for privacy, limit your time in the room and wipe down the surfaces and door handles upon exiting

The refrigerator, microwave, cutlery and dishware will not be available for use in this phase to minimize touch points. Go support a local Glen Ellyn restaurant.

We will have hand-sanitizer and antibacterial wipes throughout the space for your use. Additionally, ID Team Members will be frequently cleaning shared surfaces throughout the day and GE Village staff will clean and wipe down all surfaces each evening.

All events will be virtual until further notice. Webinars will run more frequently as we move later in the Summer and Fall.

Per ID guidelines, no gatherings larger than 10 are allowed. We are utilizing the event space for additional company seating. Unfortunately, this means no events, large team meetings, happy hours, shared meals, or social gatherings will be permitted on Innovation DuPage premises. During July and August – we will not have Stand-ups, Workshops or any other in-person events.

The Parking Deck Construction has begun – therefore all parking behind the GE Civic Center has been eliminated and the rear entrances have been shut off for the remainder of 2020. We will keep you informed on the timeline of construction as we learn more. New parking passes will be distributed for the summer and available parking lots will be highlighted through a separate document.

When we return, restrictions will require us to designate specific rooms and/or desks to each company. Conference room usage needs to be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance directly with staff. Therefore, for those of you who are comfortable in returning as soon as we are able to re-open, we will need to know how many members to expect and how frequently you would intend to use IDHQ.

Once capacity is reached, we will send an alert on our Slack channel (#announcements). Please monitor this channel, if you arrive after capacity is reached, you will not be allowed entry to the space. Email if you need help joining ID’s slack workspace.

To exercise caution, our space will only be open to Innovation DuPage keycard holders and our team at this time. ID Members are responsible to inform the ID Team when Clients will be visiting the building – in order to conduct the same health screening that all members go through each day. We will continually monitor this guideline and will notify you when we are able to relax this safety measure.

Seating and conference rooms will be reconfigured to a very limited capacity and spaced (at least 6-feet apart) for physical distancing. Whenever possible, doors will be required to be kept open to provide proper ventilation. Additionally, the facility will be set-up for maximum social distancing. Some rooms will be taken offline completely. We anticipate making conference rooms available for booking meetings of a limited number of people depending on the capacity that each room allows. Members cannot move chairs or tables without consent from ID staff.

We will require the following safety measures to be taken by everyone in the space:

This is a good CDC reference for self-checking symptoms. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. For the sake of other visitors to Village facilities, IDHQ and our staff, we ask that you please stay home if you or a member of your family are currently ill or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 including but not limited to:

Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Bluish lips of face
Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting

Upon arrival, an ID Team Member will take your temperature and you will be responsible for answering a series of short health questions. This includes your good-faith certification that you are not presenting any of the commonly known symptoms of COVID-19. This enables us to promote a safe environment for everyone in the space. Be aware that health monitoring including temperature checks will be a feature until deemed unnecessary by ID staff.

Please practice good hygiene to protect yourself and others — there will be signage as a reminder of best practices.

Face protection/face coverings that cover both the nose and mouth are required all times in the facility. If you need a resource for ordering face protection, please contact us at beforehand. We do have masks on reserve in case of an emergency. Please bring your own mask. Also, if you have a favorite sanitizer – bring it.

Innovation DuPage can help transform your idea into a viable commercial venture. Connect with us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or call 630-942-3340 to explore your next steps. If you are interested in connecting with entrepreneurs like you, check out our public events.

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